Storage Node CLI

We provided a client tool if you want to directly interact with the storage node.

  1. Download the source code


git clone <>
  1. Build the source code


cd 0g-storage-client
go build
  1. Run the file upload/download commands


# file upload
./0g-storage-client upload --url <blockchain_rpc_endpoint> --contract <log_contract_address> --key <private_key> --node <storage_node_rpc_endpoint> --file <file_path>
# file download
./0g-storage-client download --node <storage_node_rpc_endpoint> --root <file_root_hash> --file <output_file_path>
# file download with verfication
./0g-storage-client download --node <storage_node_rpc_endpoint> --root <file_root_hash> --file <output_file_path> --proof

Check Contract Addresses for log contract address.

Note: You need to have the file root in order to download the file

For the storage node rpc endpoint, you could use the team deployed or you could deploy yourself by following the above instructions.

During download, the file_root_hash can be retrieved from these places